Something Else By The Kinks Rar
BE VERY CAREFUL WHEN TAKING OUT OF INNER SLEEVE. This is a classic, sonically-solid LP, but it’s marred by a poor inner sleeve. Not only is the included inner absurdly tight, but the disc has a TON of static, which takes a few cleanings to get to a low amount. I made the mistake of trying to put it back in the sleeve instead of into a MoFi one (I wasn’t set to clean yet).
This resulted in a number of scratches & brush marks that belonged on an OG press, not a new one. The worst part was a needle slide that basically went all the way through “Love Me Till the Sun Shines”. Out of 300+ LPs, this is the only album I’ve seen with such a wild skip. I thought maybe I received a bad copy, so I returned it. HOWEVER, the same problem occurred w/ this one. I immediately put it into a MoFi sleeve, but there’s still a considerable slide on B1 & a few minor skips on that side (these can likely be repaired, like one on the A side was).
All-in-all, I’m just happy “Waterloo Sunset” doesn’t have a skip-what a gem. BE VERY CAREFUL WHEN TAKING OUT OF INNER SLEEVE. This is a classic, sonically-solid LP, but it’s marred by a poor inner sleeve. Not only is the included inner absurdly tight, but the disc has a TON of static, which takes a few cleanings to get to a low amount. I made the mistake of trying to put it back in the sleeve instead of into a MoFi one (I wasn’t set to clean yet). This resulted in a number of scratches & brush marks that belonged on an OG press, not a new one.

The worst part was a needle slide that basically went all the way through “Love Me Till the Sun Shines”. Out of 300+ LPs, this is the only album I’ve seen with such a wild skip. I thought maybe I received a bad copy, so I returned it. HOWEVER, the same problem occurred w/ this one. I immediately put it into a MoFi sleeve, but there’s still a considerable slide on B1 & a few minor skips on that side (these can likely be repaired, like one on the A side was). All-in-all, I’m just happy “Waterloo Sunset” doesn’t have a skip-what a gem.
Something Else By The Kinks Album
I have to say, the 'Kinks 50th' reissues are fairly basic with what you're getting. The sleeve is pretty lightweight and thin (though the print is really nice), the record is standard weight (inside a cheap paper inner-sleeve), and the labels look identical. But the sound is the main thing, and these pressings sound really, really solid. Despite the shortcomings, these reissues are pretty damn inexpensive. It's just that, with classics like 'Something Else by The Kinks', which can sometimes feel criminally underrated and neglected, I feel that they deserve so much more royalty in how they're reissued. But, given that they sound great, and they're inexpensive, they're still really solid purchases.
Thesummoner will summon Yojimbo, the secret aeon.This aeon has a high physical defense but a verylow magic defense. Pcsx2 cheats pnach. Proceed through the cave until youencounter a spirit of a dead summoner. Tothe left of the Save Sphere is the Cavern of TheStolen Fayth.
The Kinks Politics

I don't have the time to submit a new release for this but I just wanted to clarify something about this album so my fellow record collectors do not accidentally rip each other off.The issue of this album (and Something Else and Arthur) that came out on Record Store Day were numbered 1 - 500 in the box on the top right of the back cover. These albums have since bee re-released (also on colored vinyl, at least the copies I have are on colored vinyl) by Sanctuary, but with no numbers in that box. These re-releases are exactly the same as the RSD one only not numbered and they are readily available, your local record store should be able to order you one.I work at a record store in Berkeley California and we have a few copies and more on the way and the guy who orders these things for us told me they are 'in-print.' I paid about $30 each for the copies of Face to Face, Arthur and Something Else, so don't feel you need to pay top dollar for a 'not-numbered' copy because your local record store should have these available or be able to order you one!