Dream Maker X400 Manual

Dream Maker X400 Manual Download
How to change the pump and filter mode setting on a Dream Maker spa or hot tub has come up a few times with our customers so we thought we would offer this post to guide you through the process. The Dream Maker spas use a Balboa topside control.The Dream Maker spa gives you many options as far as filtration and heating to chose from there is the factory set Standard mode (ST) and the most used setting which has the heater come on as needed to keep your desired temperature.The Economy Mode (EC) which has the heater come on during scheduled filtration cycles that you can set to off peak electrical hours. This mode will help you save money on your electrical costs.The Sleep Mode (SL) works in the same way that the (EC) mode works but automatically sets the temperature to 20 degrees less. This is a great mode to leave your hot tub on when you are away.To change between each filter mode on a Dream maker Spa first push either the decrease or increase temperature button followed by the light button which will put you into the mode selection, then with the temperature buttons you can toggle between the 3 modes to chose your desired filtration and heating mode.There is also the standby mode (Sy) which allows you to change or clean your filters without disrupting your previous settings. To put the hot tub in (Sy) mode simply lower the temperature using the down temperature button to its lowest setting 20°C or 70°F and once there within two seconds click the lower temperature button one more time. Once you finished push any button and reset your temperature.For more information please have a look at the.