Microsoft Sidewinder Precision Racing Wheel Manually
Product:SideWinder Force Feedback WheelCompany: MicrosoftWebsite:Estimated Street Price: $159.99Review By:IntroductionSerious gamers know thatdriving into their favourite racing games with a keyboard or a joystickisn’t very realistic and accurate. Until now there have only been afew expensive and rudimentary steering wheels for the PC.
However, nowMicrosoft hopefully has got the perfect solution that will giverealistic racing feelings to everyone. It seems that Microsoft has onceagain deployed its legendary hardware “know how” touch byunleashing an innovative state-of-the-art Force Feedback Steering Wheelusing groundbreaking technology from the ever-so-popular Force FeedbackPro joystick. To accompany this new breakthrough in racing wheelhardware, this Force Feedback Wheel also comes with robust non-slippedals.Features.Precisiondriving experience: Designed with potentiometers, the SideWinderWheel offers precision handling for the performance that racingfanatics demand.Qualityand comfort: Professional styling for the wheel and pedals meansquality, comfort, and control.ForceFeedbackeffects: With a variety of more than 200 realistic force feedbackeffects your computer driving experience won’t be the same!.Realistic,rugged and durable styling. The wheel’s compact, sleek designprovides high quality and long-lasting durability with preciseperformance.Customisabilitywith profiling software SideWinder Game Controller Software allowsyou to create profiles for each game you drive. Profiles customizehow you use your wheel, mapping actions or keyboard commands to the8 buttons (including 2 trigger/shifter buttons) on the wheel.Profiles of your favourite games are included, and you can shareyour profiles with your friends! 8 Programmable buttons.Eightprogrammable buttons including two shifters/triggers for use in avariety of game play scenarios.Easy-to-releasewheel clamp.
The powerful, stable clamp system uses a single bolt toeasily attach to your desk. Specs& PackageOverallScore93%VersionReviewedSideWinderForce Feedback WheelReleaseDateOutNowInThe Box?1Wheel1 Pedal Set1 Microsoft Monster Truck Madness 21 SideWinder Software CD1 Connecting cable1 Power AdapterTheGood PointsInstallation a BreezeProfessional LookRealistic ExperienceTheBad PointsPriceSimilarToSideWinderPrecision Racing WheelReviewersPC SetupPentiumII 450Windows 98 Second Edition256 MB SD-RamDirectX 7aSoundBlaster Live! Value17' Sony MonitorPCRequiredMultimediapersonal computer with Pentium 166 MHz or higher processor andUSB port16 MB of Ram10 MB of Hard Disk SpaceCD-Rom 4xWin 98/SE NT/2000.DirectX® 7.0 or later API (included on CD); Wheel compatiblewith Windows 98-based games only;. Access to and use of theInternet for play may require payment of a separate fee to anInternet service provider. Local telephone and long distancecharges may apply. Access to and use of the Internet for playmay require payment of a separate fee to an Internet serviceprovider. Local telephone and long distance charges may apply.Feedbackforces are only enabled with games using Microsoft ForceFeedback technology and are compatible with the MicrosoftDirectX API version 5.0 or later.
May 13, 2013 The serial number on your Keurig brewer is an important identification, specific to your brewer. Be sure to document this number in your Use & Care Guide. Keurig serial number format. Not pouring, also not clogged. I have a Keurig that I was given for free, if I can fix it. It's serial number start with a 76 but looks just like a K75. It pulls water in from the water storage, heats it up but does not pour it through to dispense it. I have checked the top pin that punctures the cup and it is not clogged. The serial number for our MINI series (K-Mini Basic, K-Mini Plus and K15) can be found on the bottom of the brewer. Take care when turning over your brewer, especially if you have already added water to it. Keurig 2.0 and Plus Series. To view the serial number of these brewers, remove the Water Reservoir. How to Tell What Keurig I Have Keurig offers personal coffee brewers, including the K10 Mini and the K45 Elite, which take standard single-serve K-cups. Newer Keurig 2.0 personal brewers such as the K250, K350, K450 and K550, can make either single serve K-Cups.

Microsoft Sidewinder Precision Racing Wheel Manually Download
(games running in an MS-DOSbox under Windows 95 or Windows 98 will have basic wheelfunctionality).