Installing A Proxy Server Ubuntu

I have same probleum:2013/01/04 11:50:05 squid.conf line 189: refreshpattern sz) 10080 80% 10080 override-expire ignore-reload ignore-no-cache2013/01/04 11:50:05 parserefreshpattern: Invalid regular expression ‘ sz)’: Invalid preceding regular expression2013/01/04 11:50:05 squid.conf line 215: refreshpattern -i (/cgi-bin/ ?) 0 0% 02013/01/04 11:50:05 parserefreshpattern: Invalid regular expression ‘(/cgi-bin/ ?)’: Invalid preceding regular expression2013/01/04 11:50:05 Squid is already running! Process ID 9713pliz help me to solve problem. Dear All,I am getting following error when typing “lusca -d1”/cache-1//swap.state: (13) Permission deniedFATAL: storeAufsDirOpenSwapLog: Failed to open swap log.Squid Cache (Version LUSCAHEAD-r14809): Terminated abnormally.CPU Usage: 0.012 seconds = 0.004 user + 0.008 sysMaximum Resident Size: 16160 KBPage faults with physical i/o: 0(squid)0x80b4a84(squid)0x80b543f(squid)0x80c25e7(squid)0x80bf6e3(squid)0x80af1fe(squid)0x80aba34(squid)0x804bdaa(squid)0x804cb13/lib/i386-linux-gnu/
There are number of proxy server available in the Internet. Squid is one of the most popular Proxy server for Linux. It can be used for multiple purpose like caching, web filtering and else.
In this tutorial, we are going to show you the method to setup Proxy server on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS and Ubuntu 16.04 LTS.This article will help you to setup Squid Proxy Server on 18.10, 18.04 LTS, 16.04 LTS, and 14.04 LTS systems. Setup Squid Proxy Server on Ubuntu 18.04/16.04Run the following command to update your system and install Squid on Ubuntu. Sudo apt updatesudo apt install squidAfter installing Squid proxy servers, you can configure squid port. Default port for the Squid proxy servers is 3128.
If you want to change the port then edit squid configuration file (/etc/squid/squid.conf) and change the port: httpport 3128Now, Restart the squid proxy server. Sudo service squid restartNow, let’s configure the traffic through Proxy server.To allow all traffic on your proxy server.Open Squid configuration file and configure it. Httpaccess allow all#httpaccess deny allTo Block Specific Website with SquidOpen squid configuration file and configure it to block specific website.

We are blocking and in the example below. Acl blocksite1 dstdomain acl blocksite2 dstdomain httpaccess deny blocksite1 httpaccess deny blocksite2Squid have another feature too as you can block a large number of website by creating a list file. You need to create a file /etc/squid/websiteblockers.lst and list your domain names to get blocked.
Acl blocksitelist dstdomain '/etc/squid/websiteblockers.lst'httpaccess deny blocksitelistBelow is the short example of website list which you want to get /etc/squid/websiteblockers.lstdomain.comgodaddy.comtwitter.comwww.facebook.comTo Block Specific Keyword with SquidYou can also block specific keyword with squid. Acl blockkeyword1 urlregex mediaacl blockkeyword2 urlregex chathttpaccess deny blockkeyword1httpaccess deny blockkeyword2Same like domain, you can also block the list of keywords by creating a file. You can create a file /etc/squid/yourfileofkeywords.lst and put keywords one per line acl blockkeywordlist urlregex '/etc/squid/yourfileofkeywords.lst'httpaccess deny blockkeywordlistyourfileofkeywords.lst file content example: cat /etc/squid/yourfileofkeywords.lstmediamyspacetwitchhowtoearnonlineThis much for now.
Create Proxy Server Ubuntu
Norton antivirus internet security 2007. Let us know if there is any error in this post.