Foxpro 2.6 For Windows

Foxpro 2.6 For Windows Xp Download Free
I have a requirement to upgrade a large multi-user application from FP2.6 to VFP9. I appear to have all source components (Programs, screens, menus etc) and.EXE file that appears to have been developed under the FP Distribution toolset. Unfortunately the original development machine has disappeared along with all manuals, software diskettes etc. Can anyone advise me how easy it would be to upgrade to VFP9 and point out any pitfalls I might encounter along such a course of action?I have also noticed some talk of a VFP9 DECOMPILER, is this a tool that can be used against an original.EXE file so that I can compare the source I have with that which is used by the.EXE module? I wouldn't go that route.
Many (most) of use old-timers have done several conversions from FP to VFP years ago. The consensus, by far, is not to do a conversion but to rewrite the program completely. It is a huge leap in software development technologies from FPW2.6 to VFP9 (or any version of VFP for that matter)You wil find that he biggest changes are in OOP, and the use of forms vs the old screens.I can tell you now that if you use any automated converter tool you will not be happy with the results. Screens will mostly work but will look more than ugly. This is the time to re-architect the program as a 3-Tier (maybe web-enable if you need that) object oriented program.The business rules and the code that enforces it can probably be saved and reused as it will be mostly compatible with VFP.
The rest should be re-designed an rewritten from scratch. I know it is not what a client wants to hear, but take the advice from the old timers that have been there many times. Since you appear to have all the source code, you can do a fairly easy test, as follows:In Windows:0) Make a copy of the entire development tree.In VFP 9:1) CD 2) MODIFY PROJECT?, then choose the project file that seems to represent your application.3) You'll be prompted to convert the application from FP2.x to VFP format.
Choose Visual Conversion to create a runnable application.4) When the conversion is done, find the main program (it'll be shown in bold). Modify that main program and add this line near the top:SCREEN.Themes =.F.Then, resave it.5) Click the Build button and choose BUILD EXE.If the project compiles without error, you're way ahead of the game. In that case, try running the EXE and see what the results look like. Chances are you'll think it's way too ugly to use.If the project doesn't compile, come back here and we'll help you fix the errors that are keeping it from compiling, so you can finish this experiment.Tamar. I wouldn't go that route.
Many (most) of use old-timers have done several conversions from FP to VFP years ago. The consensus, by far, is not to do a conversion but to rewrite the program completely. It is a huge leap in software development technologies from FPW2.6 to VFP9 (or any version of VFP for that matter)You wil find that he biggest changes are in OOP, and the use of forms vs the old screens.I can tell you now that if you use any automated converter tool you will not be happy with the results. Screens will mostly work but will look more than ugly.
This is the time to re-architect the program as a 3-Tier (maybe web-enable if you need that) object oriented program.The business rules and the code that enforces it can probably be saved and reused as it will be mostly compatible with VFP. The rest should be re-designed an rewritten from scratch. I know it is not what a client wants to hear, but take the advice from the old timers that have been there many times. Since you appear to have all the source code, you can do a fairly easy test, as follows:In Windows:0) Make a copy of the entire development tree.In VFP 9:1) CD 2) MODIFY PROJECT?, then choose the project file that seems to represent your application.3) You'll be prompted to convert the application from FP2.x to VFP format.
Choose Visual Conversion to create a runnable application.4) When the conversion is done, find the main program (it'll be shown in bold). Modify that main program and add this line near the top:SCREEN.Themes =.F.Then, resave it.5) Click the Build button and choose BUILD EXE.If the project compiles without error, you're way ahead of the game.
In that case, try running the EXE and see what the results look like. Chances are you'll think it's way too ugly to use.If the project doesn't compile, come back here and we'll help you fix the errors that are keeping it from compiling, so you can finish this experiment.Tamar. My client has decided to limp along on the existing software developed under FP 2.6 but needs a few changes to it and all the old manulas/diskettes have been thrown out/destroyed. I have sourced a:FoxPro 2.60 Prof. For Windows, 3.5'$595Yes, disks and manuals only. Missing Graph, Help Compiler, Lib.
Construction and Connectivity Kit manuals. No box, license agreement card or reg. Distribution Kit manual is included in this packageon the web. I am just a little concerned that I might not be able to install this on a modern laptop/desktop.
Visual FoxPro is a Win32 API application so it will work on all operating systems supporting Win32 API. And all Microsoft Windows operating systems for Intel platform support Win32 API.
So why should be Visual FoxPro exception to this rule?In other words: Visual FoxPro works in Windows 8, 8.1, and 10 both 32 and 64 bit because it uses still supported Win32 API.Applications written in Visual FoxPro are not so clear. They can use 3-rd party libraries, they can use restricted folders, they can do many things which are not allowed in newer operating systems.
So I cannot say all existing VFP applications will run under Windows 10 but if they are running under Windows 8 then you should not expect problems under Windows 10. If you are using VFP without non-fox add-ons and controls then Windows 10 is OK.And then we have the Virtual machine as the last instance.Remember printer drivers can also cause incompatibilities.Direct jump from XP to 10 will cause problems in the app most probably. Anyway you have to re-test everything.MS Access is not good option. You cannot use two different run-times on the same PC, so to create an application also means to create it in all available Access versions because you cannot force your customers to reinstall their existing Access run-time.BTW, I am still using Office 2010 for Home and Business. The cost was about $100 for 2 licenses if I remember it well so the effectiveness of the Office 2016 subscription is questionable comparing to past times.The LibreOffice will do the same job for a free.
What is the Office 2016 advantage against the LibreOffice? Technically it depends on the version (which is mentioned in your question).IMPO:FoxPro 2.5/2.6 for DOS should be okay as it runs in command prompt window and not Windows APIs are required.FoxPro 2.6 for Windows and Visual FoxPro 3.0 to 6.0 should NOT be supported as they are pure 16-bit applications.NOT sure for VFP 7.0 to 8.0 as they are for both 16-bit and 32-bit environments.VFP 9.0 should be technically supported.
If you could run it on Windows 8, it should be okay on Windows 10.did you test it yourself and find any known issue? Thank you all for your very good counsel.I have found that the old abbreviated '8.3' style doesn't work any more. I replaced those strings in the config.fpw file with the longer form style, and they do work.So, the format that worked for many years, until last week, I think, like thisCD d:datafi1databa1fivef l1no longer works. What does now work is thisCD 'D:Data FilesDatabasesFive Floras'To make this work in the config.fpw file looks like this:f5='cd 'D:Data FilesDatabasesFive Floras'This will make function key F5 put that line into FP, and when you hit return, you are in the directory where you want to be.I don't quite understand what happened here, but there was an update on July 12; that could be when the change occurred.Again, thanks for the help I got here.
Very much appreciated.