Hdd Raw Copy Tool Instructions
If you chose 'Target' drive, it will clone your drive to that other drive.I do not know if hddrct will create an image to a file. For that you can use clonezilla, or even ddrescue/hddsuperclone.Thank you for your reply!The tool webpage says 'HDD Raw Copy Tool is a utility for low-level, sector-by-sector hard disk duplication and image creation. ' and 'HDD Raw Copy can create an exact raw (dd) or compressed image of the entire media (including service data such as MBR, Boot records, etc)', so it should. But indeed I didn't see any option to create an image file.My problem with other softwares is that they don't state if their image is a bit-by-bit copy. They can copy everything if the disk is working ok, but if it's not, they will disregard the data that they can't reach.
My disk has the partition table damaged, that's why I need the exact, bit-by-bit copy. And I think that's what this tool does, correct? Ok, I think I got it:When choosing the target, if instead of choosing the disk I use the 'File' option, type a name for the file, it will create a.imgc file and the warning of overwriting data does not appear.Make sure that your image file is in exact raw (byte-by-byte copy) and it's not compressed with it's own propriatary format otherwise you will not be able to use logic data recovery software like r-studio on the image file.And if the HDD is damaged / have bad sectors you will be better off with HDDSuperClone.Regards and good luck! Make sure that your image file is in exact raw (byte-by-byte copy) and it's not compressed with it's own propriatary format otherwise you will not be able to use logic data recovery software like r-studio on the image file.And if the HDD is damaged / have bad sectors you will be better off with HDDSuperClone.Regards and good luck!Thank you for your answer!
But I didnt completely understand it.could you explain further?How can I make sure the image is not compressed? The software either does it or not.What is 'logic data recovery'? (couldn't find anything on google)About the bad sectors issue.my drive is an ssd and it is not physically damaged. If the image is compressed or uses propriatary format then you can't use that image with anything else apart from that tool.
I don't use that specific tool so i don't know. Let's say that i do make a imaging tool called 'Spildit Imaging tool' or whatever and i do have an option to image to file and i do compress that file and for example exclude empty sectors, etc. You will not be able to use that image file with any other tool but you can use that image to restore the drive using the same tool. In other words you can use Spildit Image Tool to restore your drive by using the image but you can't use my image with for example HDD Raw Copy to restore the disk.- Logic data recovery software is stuff like R-Studio, GetDataBack, etc. Software to recover data that was deleted, that is no longer accessible due to damage MFT, damaged or lost partitions, formated drive, etc.- If you have SSD and the problem is only 'logic' like damaged partition table then you should be able to image it just fine and later extract the data from the image as long as the software that you are going to use to extract the data can open the image file.Regards. (I though I had posted this answer before, but apparantly not.)Thank you Spildit for your help. About the use of other softwares, I had found other ones at first, including ddrescue.
I ended up not using them because I couldn't either understand how to use them or I wasn't sure what kind of image they did (weather sector-by-sector or not).About the use of HDD Raw Tool, I created the image file. It is 219 GB, while the disk is 256 GB, so I'm assuming it is compressed? I would like to know from someone that uses this specific tool.Also, do I lose any information (not necessarely data) of the disk by the compression?
Your fault, my fault, nobody’s fault it doesn’t matter. When a file you need is gone, all you really want to do is get it back: as quickly and as painlessly as possible. Deleted by accident? Formatted by mistake? Drive corrupted by the latest attempt at quadruple-booting?
Plugged in the power to a non-hot swappable drive? Dragged a DVD across the gravel parking lot? Ran the USB key through the wash?
We’ve heard, seen, and even done most of them, and along the way we have found a number of great tools to bring our data back from the dead.These 23 free data recovery tools run the gamut. There’s bound to be a tool in this list that can bring your dead data back too. As long as the drive is not physically dead, there is a chance. Try one of these tools out.

1.With both free and pay editions, Recuva is an incredibly powerful tool for recovering data from Linux and Window partitions. With support for all Windows versions from XP through Windows 8.1, this is a great tool to bring dead data back to life. It is one tool that has saved me multiple times over the years.2.With a free version for recovering data from secondary drives, and a pay version you can put on a USB key to recover an operating system drive, Pandora Recovery has a versatile offering that can bring back most data without issue. File RecoveryCompletely free, PC INSPECTOR File Recovery is a great recovery tool for Windows systems. It can recognize data types even when the header is missing, so you can recover from deletions, formatting, or even total volume loss. Smart RecoveryAlso free, Smart Recovery is a tool focused on recovery files from external media, like flash drives and SD cards. It’s a bit older than File Recovery, but still works great and can handle proprietary file formats.
5.The name of this tool from OfficeRecovery says it all. It’s free for personal use, and it undeletes files that you have deleted, even if you SHIFT-DEL or empty the Recycle Bin. What it lacks in fancy features it more than makes up for in efficiency and simplicity.6.This suite of tools includes undelete, copy, raw copy, imaging, and boot sector repair.Data Recovery Software Tools include several standalone products that can handle almost any data recovery scenario.
In addition to the free versions, there are pay versions with even more features. You can download a free trial of a bootable ISO with all of the tools on one image from. Make sure you look closely at each tool’s free version, as they include a lot when you get into the details. The set includes 7.This is probably the first tool to try, as it can handle undeletes, deletes that bypass the Recycle Bin, formatted or corrupted files, lost partitions, and more. 8.This tool can help you to recover a formatted or repartitioned drive in its entirety.
It can also fix lost MBR and GPTs and can read from VMware virtual disk images. 9.This tool can run on Windows and recover data from non-Windows file systems including Linux Ext#, UFS, EFS, and HFS+. 10.Built specifically for NTFS volumes, this toolkit includes a disk editor, partition manager, and recovery tools. It also has great instructions on how to use each tool. 11.For all your external drive needs, Unformat can recover entire disks including external USB, thumb drives, and SD cards that you’ve accidentally deleted. 12.This tool can be used to recover data lost due to damaged, formatted, or deleted partitions and includes several other tools including a partition manager, a disk monitor, and more.
13.Sometimes the data is not lost; it is just inaccessible because the operating system won’t boot. This tool is a bootable operating system image that can be used to gain access to the hard disk when the installed operating system won’t boot, so you can copy off data to external media before reinstalling.14.A multitasker that includes a disk editor, imaging software, encryption and checksumming, format converter, and more. It is more targeted towards investigation and forensics than simple data recover, and has several different levels of licensing, depending upon required features. It has an evaluation version that is free to try for as long as you need.15.Software designed to recover lost partitions or repair drives that are no longer bootable.
It can repair most file systems (NTFS, FAT, EXT) and also recover data from deleted partitions. OpenSource, it can run under most versions of Windows, Linux, BSD, and Mac operating systems.
It also can be deployed as a bootable image to recover from unbootable systems.16.A freeware application to recover data from hard drives and removable media. It is simple to use and fast to find data, making it an excellent choice when you need your files back quickly. 17.This tool can recover data that has been deleted, formatted, or from drives that have been corrupted. The free version has a 2GB cap, but often the data you are trying to save is much smaller than that, so most users can do a lot with a 2GB trial. It has both Windows and Mac versions. 18.This tool offers hope for mobile devices too, with a free data recovery tool for both iOS and Android platforms. This app can recover specific data types from iOS devices and most files from Android devices.
19.Also from EaseUS, this tool can restore deleted files from FAT and NTFS partitions on fixed and removable media. It is a self-contained executable and runs on everything from XP through Windows 8. 20.This tool can read files from damaged physical media, like corrupted flash or scratched optical drives. Dhoom 2 tamil dubbed movie mp4 download.
If your operating system can show the files, then this tool will read them off, ignoring any bad sectors to recover as much usable data as possible. 21.Another tool that goes after deleted files and brings them back from the dead. There is a portable version that can be put on a flashdrive or bootable disk like BartPE, and it supports both FAT and NTFS partitions.
22.Designed to recover data from damaged CDs and DVDs. If they are scratched or smudged or faded, but there is still some readable data on the disk, this is a tool that can bring back as much salvageable data as possible. 23.It may sound like a pay-for edition, but it is absolutely free and comes with a collection of tools for data recovery, including File Rescue, Media Recover, Deleted File Search, Emergency Disk Image, and Mail Rescue. It also has a secure file wipe utility, showing it plays both sides.While all of these are great and free tools for recovering data, there are many more out there. Do you have a favorite we missed?
Leave a comment and let us know which tools you like the best. Or if one of these has saved the day for you, let us know! October 16, 2014 at 5:37 pmNone of these programs are FULLY functional as is. They are demos, trial wares, crippled ware. One of them, testdisk, is so cryptic it’s unusable. They are a waste of time if one is looking for actually free FULL FEATURED UNLIMITED PROGRAMS!!! Not one of them will get your files back in their entirety with names without asking you to upgrade or pay for a registration key.
Some limit the amount of data or number of files you can get without buying a “Pro” or some other BS. This article is titled and comes up under FREE tools.How about free tools that will do your job instead of these trials and demos.I have a disk drive that needs recovery. Looking through all these bogus tools has been a total waste.What ever happened to FREE that works without having to buy anything else instead of attempts at being tricked into trying any of these???!!! Casper Manes October 17, 2014 at 9:09 pmSorry to read you’re in such a bad state, Disgruntled. Software authors have to make a living, and they do charge for the full set of features. I personally used Recuva just a few days before writing this article to recover an entire drive of data, and paid nothing for it, but if neither that nor any of the other tools are working for you, you may want to go to the next level and use a Linux live boot CD with disk tools to see if you can recover more data. SystemRescueCD is purpose built for this and HowToGeek has a great article on using Ubuntu to do the same thing at.
Hopefully one of these will get you where you need to be. Glol December 31, 2014 at 3:22 amI totally agree with Disgruntled – the developers have to make money – but be upfront and disclose that free means only 2 mg file recovery is free – rest you have to pay. Usually when you lose a drive there are a few Gigs you have lost or have been corrupted. So instead of going thru the list of 30 or 50 or 500 dishonest providers, I would prefer an honest one who says ” One time charge of $9.99 for data recovery of three drives not exceeding say 100 mg or 100 Gigs – etc. So now I know the charge and the limitations up front instead of downloading and running and then after an hour of wasted effort – that I was not interested in the deal. JUST BE HONEST UPFRONT! Casper Manes October 17, 2014 at 9:14 pmAnd you’re right.
Freeware is absolutely free and without restriction. I only called one of these apps Freeware-Wise Data Recovery. All of these apps offer some functionality at no charge, and that is where the “free” in the title comes from.
Hdd Raw Copy Tool 1.1
Some of the titles are free with limitations, others have both limited free and pay-for editions. I tried to call that out in each description. The Ubuntu distro is free as in beer and speech, which is still not freeware, but it should get you going if anything outside of professional recovery services will. Check out the HowToGeek article and we’ll hope for the best for you. Again, good luck!