Contoh Program Sederhana Kondisi Pada Cobol

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.Yampolskiy, Roman V.; Govindaraju, Venu2008-04-01Homeland security requires technologies capable of positive and reliable identification of humans for law enforcement, government, and commercial applications. As artificially intelligent agents improve in their abilities and become a part of our everyday life, the possibility of using such programs for undermining homeland security increases. Virtual assistants, shopping bots, and game playing programs are used daily by millions of people. We propose applying statistical behavior modeling techniques developed by us for recognition of humans to the identification and verification of intelligent and potentially malicious software agents.

Our experimental results demonstrate feasibility of such methods for both artificial agent verification and even for recognition purposes.Klepel, ST.; Graefenhain, U.; Lippe, R.; Stach, J.; Starrock, V.1995-01-01Interference compounds like gasoline, diesel, burning wood or fuel, etc. Are presented in common battlefield situations. These compounds can cause detectors to respond as a false positive or interfere with the detector's ability to respond to target compounds such as chemical warfare agents. To ensure proper response of the ion mobility spectrometer to chemical warfare agents, two special software packages were developed and incorporated into the Bruker RAID-1.

The programs suppress interferring signals caused by car exhaust or smoke gases resulting from burning materials and correct the influence of variable sample gas humidity which is important for detection and quantification of blister agents like mustard gas or lewisite.Fowell, S.; Ward, R.; Nielsen, M.This paper describes current projects being performed by SciSys in the area of the use of software agents, built using CORBA middleware, to improve operations within autonomous satellite/ground systems. These concepts have been developed and demonstrated in a series of experiments variously funded by ESA's Technology Flight Opportunity Initiative (TFO) and Leading Edge Technology for SMEs (LET-SME), and the British National Space Centre's (BNSC) National Technology Programme. Some of this earlier work has already been reported in 1. This paper will address the trends, issues and solutions associated with this software agent architecture concept, together with its implementation using CORBA within an on-board environment, that is to say taking account of its real- time and resource constrained nature.Pande Putu Wahyu Pramanda2016-03-01Full Text Available Berkembangnya dunia teknologi telekomunikasi dan informasi sejalan dengan kebutuhan akan kecepatan dan kestabilan akses internet teknologi UMTS. Metode drive test adalah metode yang biasanya digunakan untuk pengukuran kualitas sebuah site. Pihak provider umumnya menggunakan software TEMS Investigation dalam melakukan drive test. Melakukan drive test dengan TEMS Investigation sangatlah tidak praktis dan memerlukan biaya yang besar.

Berkembangnya teknologi smartphone membuat drive test dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan handphone yaitu dengan G-NetTrack Pro. Namun G-NetTrack Pro tidak memiliki kemampuan yang sama dengan TEMS Investigation. Software G-NetTrack Pro dapat digunakan sebagai bahan pembelajaran yaitu untuk pengenalan drivetest namun belum cocok digunakan secara profesional. G-NetTrack Pro dapat menampilkan data yang dibutuhkan dalam drive test namun tidak sedetail TEMS Investigation, sehingga dalam proses pembelajaran dapat digunakan untuk pengenalan karena efisien dan dapat di install pada handphone mahasiswa namun tidak dapat digunakan melakukan drive test misalnya dalam dunia kerja atau secara professional.Toomey, Christopher N.; Simoudis, Evangelos; Johnson, Raymond W.; Mark, William S.1994-01-01Remote terrestrial sensing (RTS) data is constantly being collected from a variety of space-based and earth-based sensors. The collected data, and especially 'value-added' analyses of the data, are finding growing application for commercial, government, and scientific purposes.

The scale of this data collection and analysis is truly enormous; e.g., by 1995, the amount of data available in just one sector, NASA space science, will reach 5 petabytes. Moreover, the amount of data, and the value of analyzing the data, are expected to increase dramatically as new satellites and sensors become available (e.g., NASA's Earth Observing System satellites). Lockheed and other companies are beginning to provide data and analysis commercially.

A critical issue for the exploitation of collected data is the dissemination of data and value-added analyses to a diverse and widely distributed customer base. Customers must be able to use their computational environment (eventually the National Information Infrastructure) to obtain timely and complete information, without having to know the details of where the relevant data resides and how it is accessed. Customers must be able to routinely use standard, widely available (and, therefore, low cost) analyses, while also being able to readily create on demand highly customized analyses to make crucial decisions. The diversity of user needs creates a difficult software problem: how can users easily state their needs, while the computational environment assumes the responsibility of finding (or creating) relevant information, and then delivering the results in a form that users understand? A software agent is a self-contained, active software module that contains an explicit representation of its operational knowledge.

This explicit representation allows agents to examine their own capabilities in order to modify their goals to meet changing needs and to take advantage of dynamic opportunities. In addition, the explicit representation.Bosse, T.; Memon, Z.A.; Oorburg, R.; Umair, M.; Treur, J.; de Vos, M.2011-01-01This paper presents a software environment providing human-aware ambient support for a human performing a task that demands substantial amounts of attention. The agent obtains human attention-awareness in an adaptive manner by use of a dynamical model of human attention, gaze sensoring by an.Mazuel, Laurent2008-01-01The main purpose of this thesis is the management of semantic heterogeneity in human- agent and agent-agent interaction. We especially focus on the situation where a software agent, supplied with a knowledge representation model, has to understand requests coming from different interlocutors; either it is a human user or another software agent.Most work in this domain either focus on human- agent interaction or agent-agent interaction. On the contrary, we suggest that it is possible to use a co.Wang, Zhanle; Paranjape, Raman2013-11-01This work presents a self-aware diabetic patient software agent for representing a human diabetic patient. To develop a 24h, stochastic and self-aware patient agent, we extend the original seminal work of Ackerman et al.

1 in creating a mathematical model of human blood glucose levels in three aspects. (1) We incorporate the stochastic and unpredictable effects of daily living.

(2) The Ackerman model is extended into the period of night-time. (3) Patients' awareness of their own conditions is incorporated. Simulation results are quantitatively assessed to demonstrate the effectiveness of lifestyle management, such as adjusting the amount of food consumed, meal schedule, intensity of exercise and level of medication. In this work we show through the simulation that the average blood glucose can be reduced by as much as 51% due to careful lifestyle management. Self monitoring blood glucose is also quantitatively evaluated.

The simulation results show that the average blood glucose is further dropped by 25% with the assistance of blood glucose samples. In addition, the blood glucose is perfectly controlled in the target range during the simulation period as a result of joint efforts of lifestyle management and self monitoring blood glucose. This study focuses on demonstrating how human patients' behavior, specifically lifestyle and self monitoring of blood glucose, affects blood glucose controls on a daily basis. This work does not focus on the insulin-glucose interaction of an individual human patient.

Our conclusion is that this self-aware patient agent model is capable of adequately representing diabetic patients and of evaluating their dynamic behaviors. It can also be incorporated into a multi- agent system by introducing other healthcare components so that more interesting insights such as the healthcare quality, cost and performance can be observed. © 2013 Published by Elsevier Ltd.Yoyo Cahyadi2013-05-01Full Text Available Investment in foreign exchange is growing very fast recently because of liberal market system and technology advancement. Technology makes investment in foreign exchange can be performed easier, faster, and simple regarding the foreign exchange market open 24 hours in working days. In fact, there are just a few people who understand foreign exchange investment and how to use the tool needed in this kind of investment. The purpose of this paper is to give a description on how to use foreign exchange as an investment and using MetaTrader 5 software as a tool of it.

Its features support foreign exchange market which often moves very fast. Understanding of foreign exchange market and software operation are the first step to start the investment.Wicaksono, Handy; Lim, Resmana; Sutanto, William2008-01-01In Bahasa Indonesia: Banyak industri yang sudah menggunakan sistem automasi dengan menggunakan PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) dan SCADA (Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition). Salah satu software untuk membuat program SCADA adalah Wonderware InTouch.

Untuk mengelola data dalam bentuk recipe dan database, Wonderware InTouch mempunyai program-program tambahan yaitu Recipe Manager dan SQL Access Manager. Pada penelitian ini, akan digunakan proses pembuatan kertas sebagai contoh kas.Reinaldo, Eko; Irawan, Agustinus Purna; Daywin, Frans Jusuf2014-01-01Structure analysis software. Resulted of Automatic parking system is a car parking system which moves the vehicle from the parking lot entrance to the parking space automatically with no drivers. Automatic car parking system accepts the load's structure which should be done by the calculation and the structural strength analysis to get a strong and stable structure with expected safety level. Structural strength analysis which has been done in this thesis is strong and stable automatic car pa.Afifi, Wildan2015-01-01Berbagai sumber penyedia informasi mengenai software antivirus memiliki ratusan bahkan ribuan jumlah software antivirus yang mereka tawarkan. Sulit bagi pengguna untuk menemukan software antivirus sesuai dengan yang ia inginkan. Oleh karena itu, dibutuhkan sebuah alat bantu yang dapat memberikan alternatif dan rekomendasi kepada pengguna sesuai dengan preferensi pengguna.

Sistem rekomendasi merupakan solusi dari permasalahan tersebut. Sistem rekomendasi diharapkan dapat membantu pengguna untu.SALDI MATTA2016-11-01Full Text Available Brands and products compete with each other to gain market share. The right marketing communication and promotion strategy is one way to win the competition. The main characteristic of this personal selling strategy is the direct interaction between the salesperson and the potential customers, present and instantly know about the advantages and characteristics of products marketed to potential customers. One of the companies that implement this strategy as the main promotional activity is PT.

International Melilea Indonesia as a distributor of Melilea organic products. The business and marketing systems run by agents and Melilea's downlines are Multi Level Marketing (MLM so that meeting with customers is an obligation in personal sales activities. This study was conducted to find out how the implementation of personal selling activities undertaken by agent and Melilea Distributor in Bekasi branch. This research uses qualitative approach with descriptive type.

The method used is a case study to conduct in-depth interviews to informants. Implementation of personal selling activities of PT. Melilea Indonesia International in this case Melilea agent and downline at Bekasi branch is done through five stages: prospecting, approaching, service, interactive media, and consumer care. Merk dan produk saling bersaing satu sama lain untuk mendapatkan pangsa pasar. Strategi komunikasi dan promosi pemasaran yang tepat sebagai salah satu cara untuk memenangkan persaingan.

Tutorial visual basic sederhana

Ciri utama dari strategi penjualan personal ini adalah interaksi langsung antara wiraniaga dengan calon konsumen, hadir dan langsung mengetahui tentang kelebihan dan karakteristik produk yang dipasarkan ke calon konsumen. Salah satu perusahaan yang menerapkan strategi ini sebagai kegiatan promosi utama adalah PT. International Melilea Indonesia sebagai distributor produk organik Melilea. Sistem bisnis dan pemasaran yang dijalankan oleh agen dan downline Melilea adalah Multi Level Marketing.Irwan Irwan2017-12-01Abstract The purpose of this study suggests the development of a model student counseling software to complement a media student career guidance consulting system.

The design of this software to assess themselves, know themselves, interests, talents, abilities, selection, adjustment so that students try to prepare themselves by improving spiritual skills, education and training, intellectual skills, communication skills and inter or intra personal skill for life in front in the form of talent interest search tools in the form of guidance and career development of students. The application of the certainty factor method can realize the amount of confidence in the career decision taken where the certainty factor can be used under various conditions. In this research must collect the value of certainty factor overall condition.

The use of the Certainty Factor (CF method can show the degree of truth, the accuracy of the possibilities in career selection. The design of software guidance and career development can help counselors in the selection of careers in interest by first answering questions on the user interface software. Keywords: Application Model, Conseling, Career Development, Decision Maker, Certainty Factor.Bohoris, C.; Liotta, A.; Pavlou, G.2000-01-01During the recent years of research on mobile agents, significant effort has been directed towards the identification of models of agent mobility suitable for network management applications. Also, a lot of research work is currently being carried out trying to provide an assessment of mobile agent.Ni Kadek Ayu Marini Sarasdiyanthi2017-01-01Full Text Available Airasia Go sedang mengupayakan untuk membentuk citra merek dan persepsi kualitas pelayanan terhadap wisatawan agar dapat mengetahui sejauh mana pengaruh citra merek dan persepsi kualitas pelayanan terhadap keputusan pembelian pada online travel agent Airasia Go tersebut. Tujuannya adalah untuk mengetahui respon wisatawan terhadap citra merek dan persepsi kualitas pelayanan terhadap keputusan pembelian pada produk jasa Airasia Go, mengetahui besarnya pengaruh citra merek dan persepsi kualitas pelayanan secara parsial dan simultan terhadap keputusan pembelian. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan metode non probability sampling jenis accidental sampling dengan jumlah 110 responden.

Untuk analisis data menggunakan teknik analisis berganda, korelasi berganda, analisis determinasi, uji t dan uji F. Dari uji t diperoleh hasil bahwa citra merek dan persepsi kualitas pelayanan berpengaruh positif terhadap keputusan pembelian dengan nilai t hitung 5,685 untuk variabel persepsi kualitas pelayanan dan 6,261 untuk variabel citra merek. Dari uji F diperoleh hasil bahwa citra merek dan persepsi kualitas pelayanan berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap keputusan pembelian dengan nilai Fhitung 119,337.Straub, Jeremy2014-06-01Portability scenarios are critical in ensuring that a piece of AI control software will run effectively across the collection of craft that it is required to control. This paper presents scenarios for control software that is designed to control multiple craft with heterogeneous movement and functional characteristics. For each prospective target-craft type, its capabilities, mission function, location, communications capabilities and power profile are presented and performance characteristics are reviewed. This work will inform future work related to decision making related to software capabilities, hardware control capabilities and processing requirements.Shehory, Onn2014-01-01With this book, Onn Shehory and Arnon Sturm, together with further contributors, introduce the reader to various facets of agent-oriented software engineering (AOSE).

They provide a selected collection of state-of-the-art findings, which combines research from information systems, artificial intelligence, distributed systems and software engineering and covers essential development aspects of agent-based systems. The book chapters are organized into five parts.

The first part introduces the AOSE domain in general, including introduction to agents and the peculiarities of software engineerin.Gong, Y.; Overbeek, S.J.2011-01-01Software agents and rules are both used for creating flexibility. Exchanging rules between Semantic Web and agents can ensure consistency in rules and support easy updating and changing of rules. The Rule Interchange Format (RIF) is a new W3C recommendation Semantic Web standard for exchanging rules.Kargupta, H.; Stafford, B.; Hamzaoglu, I.1997-12-31This paper describes an experimental parallel/distributed data mining system PADMA (PArallel Data Mining Agents) that uses software agents for local data accessing and analysis and a web based interface for interactive data visualization.

It also presents the results of applying PADMA for detecting patterns in unstructured texts of postmortem reports and laboratory test data for Hepatitis C patients.Yulita, Devi2014-01-01Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk membangun suatu sistem informasi pada SMA Negeri 1 Babalan. Sistem ini dikembangkan dengan menggunakan perangkat lunak PHP, MySQL, Apache, dan Mozilla Firefox juga software pembantu lainnya seperti Adobe Dreamweaver CS5. Tujuan dari sistem informasi ini adalah untuk menyajikan informasi profil sekolah, visi, misi dan tujuan, daftar siswa, daftar guru.

Merancang sebuah website untuk membantu siswa dalam memperoleh informasi SMA Negeri 1 Babalan dan website ini dapat.Wiegers, Karl E2003-01-01Without formal, verifiable software requirements-and an effective system for managing them-the programs that developers think they've agreed to build often will not be the same products their customers are expecting. In SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS, Second Edition, requirements engineering authority Karl Wiegers amplifies the best practices presented in his original award-winning text?now a mainstay for anyone participating in the software development process. In this book, you'll discover effective techniques for managing the requirements engineering process all the way through the development cy. E-Tools Safety and Health Topics / Biological Agents Biological Agents This page requires that javascript be enabled. 202) 693-2300 if additional assistance is required. Biological Agents Menu Overview In Focus: Ebola Frederick A.Dwyer, Donna; And Others1989-01-01Reviewed are seven software packages for Apple and IBM computers. Included are: 'Toxicology'; 'Science Corner: Space Probe'; 'Alcohol and Pregnancy'; 'Science Tool Kit Plus'; Computer Investigations: Plant Growth'; 'Climatrolls'; and 'Animal Watch: Whales.'

(CW).Davis, Shelly J., Ed.; Knaupp, Jon, Ed.1984-01-01Reviewed is computer software on: (1) classification of living things, a tutorial program for grades 5-10; and (2) polynomial practice using tiles, a drill-and-practice program for algebra students. (MNS).Miller, Anne, Ed.; Radziemski, Cathy, Ed.1988-01-01Three pieces of computer software are described and reviewed: HyperCard, to build and use varied applications; Iggy's Gnees, for problem solving with shapes in grades kindergarten-two; and Algebra Shop, for practicing skills and problem solving. (MNS).Amir Syarifudin Kiwang2015-05-01Full Text Available Penerapan Peraturan Gubernur Nusa Tenggara Timur Nomor 8 Tahun 2011 tentang Organisasi dan Tata Kerja Unit Pelaksana Teknis Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Koperasi dan Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah pada Dinas Koperasi dan Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur adalah dalam rangka untuk meningkatkan efektivitas kerja organisasi pada UPT Diklat Koperasi dan UMKM.

Penelitian ini berusaha untuk melihat dampak kebijakan organisasi terhadap efektivitas organisasi dengan menggunakan enam elemen variabel dari kebijakan dan praktik manajemen. Keenam elemen tersebut adalah penetapan tujuan strategis, pencarian dan pemanfaatan sumber daya, lingkungan prestasi, proses komunikasi, kepemimpinan dan pengambilan keputusan, serta adaptasi dan inovasi organisasi. Penelitian kualitatif ini menggunakan pendekatan studi kasus. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis data model Miles dan Huberman, yang terdiri atas reduksi data, display/penyajian data, dan kesimpulan/verifikasi.

Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa efektivitas organisasi pada UPT Diklat koperasi dan UMKM belum berjalan secara baik, hal ini dapat dilihat dari beberapa hal antara lain, belum adanya tenaga spesialisasi pengelola diklat dan tenaga khusus (sarjana di bidang perkoperasian dan kondisi lingkungan kerja (lingkungan prestasi pada UPT Diklat koperasi dan UMKM yang belum efektif. Penempatan pegawai juga belum tepat, mutasi ke UPT Diklat Koperasi dan UMKM tidak memperhatikan latar belakang pendidikan dan spesialisasi/keahlian pegawai sehingga membutuhkan waktu dalam proses penyesuaian serta menurunkan jumlah pelaksanaan diklat dikarenakan keterbatasan alokasi dana.Syarif Hidayatulloh2016-03-01Full Text Available Abstract - software project management is the art and science of planning and supervision in software projects. On project management software many emerging constraints that could result in his development and software development. One of the key points in a project the software repository is the time it takes to comment on, add and merge source code.

Rapid feedback to make the members of a software project team was pleased to contribute in a software project. Problems on Github repository is when the notification was delivered via the web and email are not directly addressed because the members of the project management software rarely check emails. The methods used in this study is a literature study and experiments of different cases in the article, book or paper that discusses how to implement project management software quality so the software project goals can be achieved. Conclusion the results of the research that has been done is to apply the SMS notification on Github is expected to further speed up the interaction and communication between members in a software project and makes it easier for an IT manager in conducting management on Github project. Keywords: Software project management, GitHub, notification, SMS Abstrak - Manajemen proyek Perangkat lunak adalah seni dan ilmu perencanaan dan pembimbingan dalam proyek perangkat lunak.

Pada manajemen proyek perangkat lunak banyak muncul kendala-kendala yang dapat mengakibatkan lamanya pembangunan dan pengembangan perangkat lunak. Salah satu poin penting dalam sebuah repositori proyek perangkat lunak adalah waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk mengomentari, menambahkan dan menggabungkan source code. Feedback yang cepat membuat anggota-anggota tim proyek perangkat lunak merasa senang untuk berkontribusi dalam sebuah proyek perangkat lunak. Permasalahan pada repositori Github adalah ketika notifikasi yang disampaikan lewat web dan email tidak langsung ditanggapi karena anggota-anggota proyek.Diarra, C1994-06-01Questions on nuclear matter, need to have new performant equipments. Eurogram is a 4 PI gamma radiations multi detector and a precious tool in gamma spectroscopy, but it is necessary to use a charged particles detector and in this aim Diamant is an Eurogram partner. These two multi detectors needed special software data acquisition systems. The whole of acquisition control and management is based on sun stations with unix system.

56 figs., 64 refs.Journe, G.; Guilbaud, C2005-07-01A high-quality scientific visualization software relies on ergonomic navigation and exploration. Those are essential to be able to perform an efficient data analysis.

To help solving this issue, management of virtual reality devices has been developed inside the CEA 'VtkVRPN' framework. This framework is based on VTK, a 3D graphical library, and VRPN, a virtual reality devices management library. This document describes the developments done during a post-graduate training course.

Visual Basic Tutorial

(authors).Sri Soewasti Soesanto2012-10-01Full Text Available Manusia yang sehat tiap hari membuang tinja yang harus ditampung dan/atau diolah secara saniter. Meskipun Indonesia telah 55 tahun merdeka dan telah memiliki banyak ahli sanitasi/teknik penyehatan baik lulusan dalam maupun luar negeri, namun cara pengelolaan tinja yang ada kebanyakan masih belum memenuhi syarat kesehatan. Tangki septik dianggap sebagai cara penampungan tinja yang terbaik, padahal sebenarnya masih terjadi pencemaran tanah dan air melalui saluran perembesan.Tangki septik (septic tank merupakan salah satu macam sarana pengolahan tinja manusia yang pada garis besarnya terdiri dari sebuah tangki pembusukan lumpur (sludge digester dan saluran perembesan efluen. Tangki pembusukan harus memenuhi syarat mengenai perbandingan panjang dan lebar serta syarat kedalaman maksimum dan minimum, agar pembusukan lumpur dari tinja manusia dapat berjalan sempurna malahan tidak berbau busuk lagi.Deria Dwi Antari2016-01-01Full Text Available Sistem Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP merupakan sebuah aplikasi sistem informasi terintegrasi yang dapat digunakan untuk pengelolaan dan integrasi proses bisnis perusahaan. Perusahaan retail memiliki beberapa departemen dan menangani transaksi dalam jumlah banyak dalam satu waktu, sehingga penerapan sistem ERP sangat bermanfaat bagi perusahaan tersebut. Sistem ERP dapat mempermudah penyaluran informasi antar departemen karena menggunakan satu logical basis data.

Jul 13, 2018  Windows XP SP3 Product Keys for Activation Free Download. Windows XP SP3 Product Keys is called typically the most popular of all of the items through the Microsoft.Microsoft developed this unique Windows both in 32 and 64 bit. Sep 17, 2016  Activate Windows XP SP3 easily using activator. Download here: How To Permanently Activate Windows XP SP3 Permanently. Download Setup File Windows XP Professional SP3 (32/64-Bit) ISO 2019 Download. Windows XP Professional SP3 is an outstanding edition of Microsoft Windows XP series. It is more popular operating system with great competitive advantages like security. Xp pro sp3 and activator technique pdf Aug 11, 2019  Windows XP Genuine Activator Loader DAZ + Crack Windows XP Activator. Windows XP Genuine Activator Loader DAZ + Crack is used on personal computers extensively. It was officially released in August 2001, but for public use. Sep 27, 2014  Windows XP Service Pack 3 (SP3) Genuine Serial KEy MR49R-DRJXX-M6PX2-V96BF-8CKBJ; You should now reactivate Windows XP by following the instructions on the Activate Windows by phone window which you should now be seeing or via the Internet by clicking the Back button and following the instructions on that screen.

Adempiere merupakan software ERP open source yang dapat digunakan untuk pengelolaan proses bisnis menjadi suatu sistem informasi terintegrasi. Proses bisnis yang diimplementasikan adalah proses bisnis pembelian, penjualan, pergudangan, dan akunting.

Hasil akhir dari penelitian ini adalah rekomendasi sistem informasi terintegrasi dengan pemodelan proses bisnis perusahaan menggunakan software Adempiere. Proses bisnis existing menjadi terintegrasi dan lebih bersifat otomatis. Kata Kunci: sistem informasi terintegrasi, enterprise resource planning, Adempiere.Kartadie, Rikie; Suryanto, Tommy2015-01-01Perkembangan pesat Software-Defined Network telah dirasakan oleh vendor vendor besar. HP, Google dan IBM, mulai merubah pola routing-switching pada network mereka dari pola routingswitching tradisional ke pola infrastruktur routing-switching Software-defined Network. Untuk melakukan eksperimen tentang OpenFlow, para peneliti sering kali harus menggunakan perangkat hardware/dedicated switch OpenFlow yang dikeluarkan oleh beberapa vendor dengan harga yang tinggi.

Kenyataannya, software-based sw.Fridge, Ernest M., III1991-01-01Today's software systems generally use obsolete technology, are not integrated properly with other software systems, and are difficult and costly to maintain. The discipline of reverse engineering is becoming prominent as organizations try to move their systems up to more modern and maintainable technology in a cost effective manner.

JSC created a significant set of tools to develop and maintain FORTRAN and C code during development of the Space Shuttle. This tool set forms the basis for an integrated environment to re-engineer existing code into modern software engineering structures which are then easier and less costly to maintain and which allow a fairly straightforward translation into other target languages. The environment will support these structures and practices even in areas where the language definition and compilers do not enforce good software engineering. The knowledge and data captured using the reverse engineering tools is passed to standard forward engineering tools to redesign or perform major upgrades to software systems in a much more cost effective manner than using older technologies.

A beta vision of the environment was released in Mar. The commercial potential for such re-engineering tools is very great.

CASE TRENDS magazine reported it to be the primary concern of over four hundred of the top MIS executives.Wayan Eko Radityo2012-12-01Full Text Available Depresi merupakan gangguan mood berupa kesedihan yang intens, berlangsung dalamwaktu lama, dan mengganggu kehidupan normal yang insidennya semakin meningkatseiring dengan meningkatnya tekanan hidup. Tahun 2020, depresi diperkirakanmenempati urutan kedua penyakit di dunia. Gejala-gejala depresi terdiri dari gangguanemosi, gangguan kognitif, keluhan somatik, gangguan psikomotor, dan gangguanvegetatif. Salah satu gejala depresi yang muncul adalah gangguan tidur yang bisaberupa insomnia, bangun secara tiba-tiba, dan hipersomnia. Hal ini disebabkan olehgangguan neurotransmiter dan regulasi hormon.

Contoh Program Sederhana Kondisi Pada Cobol 1

Selain sebagai gejala depresi, gangguantidur juga bisa merupakan penyebab depresi. Beberapa penelitian memberikanhubungan gangguan tidur dapat meningkatkan risiko depresi di kemudian hari.Eka Arum Sasi Mahardika2016-08-01Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pembelajaran BETS terhadap kemampuan berpikir kritis dan hasil belajar biologi kelas X SMA Kota Malang. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di SMAN 7 Malang pada bulan Februari-Mei 2016. Kemampuan berpikir kritis dan hasil belajar kognitif diukur melalui tes tulis sedangkan ranah afektif dan psikomor diukur melalui observasi selama pembelajaran. Data kemampuan berpikir kritis dan hasil belajar kognitif dianalisis menggunakan uji statistik dengan bantuan Software SPSS 22.0 for Window.